Inclusive Equestrian Sport and Riding Therapy Centre

People with and without disabilities can work together, organise their free time and play sports here. There is also room for 90 horses.

The Inclusive Equestrian Sport and Riding Therapy Centre Berlin-Karlshorst (Inklusive Pferdesport- und Reittherapiezentrum Berlin-Karlshorst) is a project of the Rehabilitation Centre Berlin-Ost Foundation (Stiftung Rehabilitationszentrum Berlin-Ost). It was completed in October 2019 and offers the best conditions for both man and horse on 100,000 m2. There are boxes, paddock boxes and an open stable for 90 horses with various exercise and pasture areas, a therapy hall (20 x 40 m), an outdoor therapy area (20 x 40 m), a large riding and vaulting hall (20 x 60 m), a large outdoor riding arena (50 x 80 m) and three lunging areas. The entire infrastructure is designed to be barrier-free.

The focus of the work of the Inclusive Equestrian Sport and Riding Therapy Centre is sports, therapy, science, event and horse boarding. From a sporting point of view, the facility opens up opportunities for recreational, popular and competitive sports which, in addition to introductory and taster courses, will at some point also include courses in theory and practice for riding instructors. Nine trained in-house horses are available, which are led by qualified therapists and trainers.

The therapeutic riding services are varied and include hippotherapy, therapeutic and pedagogical support with the horse, occupational therapy with the horse as well as horse-assisted psychotherapy. The Centre is also involved in the scientific development of Therapeutic Riding. It promotes and supports scientific research in this field and cooperates with various universities and colleges as well as the German Board of Trustees for Therapeutic Riding Association (Deutschen Kuratorium für Therapeutisches Reiten e.V.)

Last but not least, the Inclusive Equestrian Sport and Riding Therapy Centre offers horse lovers the opportunity to stable their own horses and to take advantage of the modern and extensive facilities.


Various event formats have their place on the grounds of the Inclusive Equestrian Sport and Riding Therapy Centre. These include equestrian events for riders with intellectual disabilities in cooperation with Special Olympics Germany as well as for riders with physical disabilities in cooperation with the German Board of Trustees for Therapeutic Riding, the National Paralympic Committee Germany (Deutschen Behindertensportverband) and the German Equestrian Federation (Deutschen Reiterlichen Vereinigung). In cooperation with the State Equestrian Association (Landespferdesportverband) Berlin/Brandenburg, events for riders without disabilities are also planned. In addition, regular inclusive equestrian events will be on the agenda. It is therefore worth keeping an eye on the calendar of events of the Inclusive Equestrian Sport and Riding Therapy Centre.

Events Calendar:

  • June 2021: Equestrian and Vaulting Competitions as part of the Special Olympics Berlin/Brandenburg
  • September 2021: Inclusive equestrian event


The Inclusive Equestrian Sport and Riding Therapy Centre was completed on 25 October 2019 after a three-year construction period. Both the German Lottery Berlin Foundation (Stiftung Deutsche Klassenlotterie Berlin) and a federal loan brokered by the German Parity Association (Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverband) contributed to the financing of EUR 10 million. Since March 2019, Aktion Mensch has been supporting the three-year project “Inclusive Riding: Shaping equestrian sports together”. In accordance with the purpose of the Rehabilitation Centre Berlin-Ost Foundation, the Inclusive Equestrian and Riding Therapy Centre also serves the promotion of the welfare system. The focus is on the complex rehabilitation of people of all ages with disabilities or impairments of participation, the prevention of disabilities or impairments, the care of people in need of assistance and care, as well as the support of children, adolescents and young adults who require special attention.

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