
The Wuhlheide with its rich nature and its diverse facilities is something very special. That’s why there’s so much to tell you about. In addition to this website, our various brochures are aimed at park visitors as well as cooperation partners, sponsors and multipliers. In this section you will find all brochures available to download.

Folding map Wuhlheide

Our mini folding plan is so small that it fits in any bag, but large in effect. Because it will guide you safely through the entire Wuhlheide. It also shows you where you can experience something or – also important – eat and drink.

Image brochure of the Wuhlheide

A park like Wuhlheide lives not only through its visitors, but also through friends and supporters who drive its further development. Our image brochure would like to draw your attention to the potential of the Wuhlheide, which is an important part of the tourism offer of the district Treptow-Köpenick.

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